Confirmation of Payee

for Payment Service Providers

for Building Societies

Seamless and secure payment experience

Become instantly CoP compliant

Connects to European countries/schemes with a Verification of Payee solution

Prevent fraud and misdirected payments

SurePay's Solutions

Confirmation of Payee for PSPs
Verifies the accuracy of payee information during transactions,

Confirmation of Payee for Building Societies and Credit Unions
Future proof your Building Society or Credit Union with Confirmation of Payee.

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Confirmation of Payee Portal

The CoP solution made accessible to corporations through their banks. Whitelabel options are available.

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Verification of Payee for Banks
Our name-checking solution for banks and organisations that are located in Europe.

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SWIFT Beneficiary Account Verification
Expand your reach on a global scale by leveraging the pre-validation service offered by Swift.

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Award-Winning Solution

Why NatWest chose our solution

Take a look at how SurePay smoothly integrated CoP into NatWest, paving the door for future digital disruption.

Award-Winning solution

Best in class CoP solution in the UK


CoP compliant

Quick implementation

Richard Koldewijn,
Head of UK, SurePay 

"At SurePay, we take pride in our exceptional customer-focused approach to implement Confirmation of Payee and/or Verification of Payee.  Our dedication to simplicity and ease-of-use, ensures that our customers have a flawless experience at every stage of the process."

What our clients say

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